Welcome to Wembley's class page.
Here you will find key information and weekly spelling lists as well as other useful activities and websites to support your child's learning at home. As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me on: LakeN1@Hwbmail.net .
Class Diary - Week beginning Monday 9th December
Monday -Spelling test.
Animations club after school.
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Christmas jumper day. Wear you Christmas jumper/t-shirt to school or anything festive e.g. a Santa hat or tinsel in your hair. £1 donations for Save the Children.
Choir after school club.
Football after school club. Please bring kit and trainers to school in a bag.
Thursday - Dance after school club. Please bring kit and trainers to school in a bag.
Netball after school club. Please bring kit and trainers to school in a bag.
Friday -Upbeat dance. Wear PE kit and trainers to school.
Class Diary - Week beginning Monday 16th December
Monday - Year 6 parent and child sing along at 2pm. Please join us in the school hall to sing along with Christmas songs and get into the Christmas spirit. Children to wear anything festive (e.g. Christmas jumper/Santa hat) or school uniform.
Animations club after school.
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Upbeat dance in. Wear PE kit and trainers to school.
Thursday - Church visit to listen to the Christmas story.
Christmas party. Wear your favourite party clothes and bring an individual party platter of food in a container.
Friday - Last Friday of the month non-uniform day. Please bring £1 towards school funds.
Christmas movie morning. You can bring snacks and drinks to enjoy with the movie if you wish.
Toy day (afternoon). Bring your favourite toy or game to school to play with your friends (no electronics).
Please spend some time each day learning how to spell each word. You also need to know the meaning of each word in your group.
Read Theory
Please ask you child to log in at least once a week and complete at least five quizzes. Leader board updated every Friday. Their username is their first and last name, with no capitals and no spaces. The password is wembley24.