Here you will find key information and weekly spelling lists as well as other useful activities and websites to support your child's learning at home. As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me on:
This Month in Lionel Class:
13/1/25 | 14/1/25 | 15/1/25 | 16/1/25 | 17/1/25 |
20/1/25 | 21/1/25 | 22/1/25 | 23/1/25 | 24/1/25 |
27/1/25 | 28/1/25 | 29/1/25 | 30/1/25 | 31/1/25 |
Important Information:
Next term we will be following the topic 'Power and Society' where we will be looking at Politics and Government. If anyone works in the field of politics or government that would be willing to discuss their jobs with the children then please email myself or Miss Watts.
We do have some exciting upcoming trips planned next term! Letters will go out after we return from Christmas break.
Key Dates:
29th January- Senedd Trip
31st January- Cardiff City Stadium Trip
Termly Homework:
Each term a homework 'menu' will be put onto the website. On here you will find the a choice of some homework tasks to be completed at you own pace. At minimum, one homework from the menu should be completed a term.
Ongoing Homework:
We encourage parents to read with their children as much as possible, the school library is a fantastic resource to support this.
Children are encouraged to regularly practice their times tables. They should try to learn all, and should know them fluently so they can answer quickly and out of sequence.
PE Kit:
On PE days (Wednesdays and Fridays), please come to school wearing your PE kit. Make sure you have trainers on or have brought trainers to change into for the lesson. PE kit should be joggers, shorts or leggings that allow you to move, run and jump easily, and a T-shirt. On cold days, make sure you have a jumper too.
On all other school days, please wear your school uniform.
Useful websites: