

Primary School

Relationships. Wellbeing. Achievement.


Croeso i Dosbarth Forrest- Welcome to Class Forrest Information Page 

Here you will find key information and weekly spelling lists as well as other useful activities and websites to support your child's learning at home. As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me on: 

Class Diary Week beginning Monday 20th January


Monday- PE- please wear PE kit and trainers to school. 





Thursday- PE- please wear PE kit and trainers to school. No dance afterschool this week. 


Friday-  Spellings. 

Key Dates:

  • Storey Arms- 17th February
  • End of Term- 21st February 

Important Information:

  • List of spellings to learn will be uploaded here every Friday to be then tested on the following Friday
  • PE lessons are on Mondays and Thursdays for this term
  • Please can all children make sure they bring a coat and snack every day