Welcome to Nesta Class
Class Teachers:
Monday & Tuesday Mrs Sullivan (kimberb1@hwbcymru.net)
Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday Mrs Palios-Bancroft "Mrs PB" (paliosL@hwbcymru.net)
TA: Mr Fazio "Mr F"
Our daily routines include:
Circle time (identifying the days of the week, feelings check in, and the weather)
Independent pencil control tasks
Sensory circuit
Fine motor activities
Speech and language tasks
Reading and phonics
Turn taking activities
PE and movement activities
Snack time
There is also regular opportunity for the children to 'choose' and access preferred activities in the continuous provision in the classroom.
We love messy, sensory play activities in Nesta Class, so your child may come home with paints, foam, chalks or flour on their clothes!
Please don't forget to check the Year Group class pages for extra information and events as your child will be included in these too!