

Primary School

Relationships. Wellbeing. Achievement.

Progress and Attainment

Progress and Achievement at Lansdowne Primary 


Knowing our school, our context and our families is the only way to ensure our children’s success. We are a significantly diverse school; therefore, with pride, we give the development of healthy relationships- our connections and differences - the status and priority it deserves. If children are to achieve, they absolutely have to be happy to come to school- feel secure, confident and nurtured. This is why wellbeing is given a high priority at Lansdowne Primary and we ensure this by knowing our pupils and their families well; by providing exciting and engaging learning opportunities that challenge and support them and celebrating wholeheartedly the progress they make. Pupils have the right to feel safe and supported in school- our values of honesty, kindness and respect underpin our expectations- all pupils and staff are to feel equally respected and we take behaviour and attitudes to each other and to learning very seriously. Lansdowne is a happy place to be and a place where values shine through.


All stakeholders of Lansdowne primary have the highest of expectations for the pupils of our school. High aspirations promote excellence and achievement- achievement is to be the aim for all- pupils, staff, parents. We consider ourselves as a learning organisation (SLO) and all stakeholders participate in this learning process. In a 21st century world that changes fast, being able to learn and adapt quickly is key and the community of Lansdowne learns together so that we can all achieve in the modern world. Pupils are nurtured for life-long learning and pupils collaborate in the learning process. Pupils enjoy learning, make progress and know where they need to go next to achieve their potential. They achieve because they have opportunities to reflect; they have opportunities to be involved in the curriculum planning; their well being and sense of self is high; and they have excellent relationships with their teachers and with each other. Relationships, Wellbeing and Achievement are central to Lansdowne and our purpose.



Pupils are continuously assessed by teachers to ensure they are making progress and they know what they need to do to improve. We use a range of testing and formative teacher assessment to help inform us of the progress your child is making and what we can do to support and challenge them.



Welsh National Testing


Pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 will undergo yearly national testing. These tests assess pupils' ability to read and understand; to perform mathematical procedures and to reason mathematically. There are 3 tests in total. Teachers and senior leaders facilitate the tests within the classroom and in a comfortable and relaxed environment for the pupils. The tests are generally completed in whole classes and take between a half hour to an hour to complete. 

Test scores are collated in the Welsh government data base and standardised so that they can be compared to other children of similar ages across Wales. These results are then provided to school and we distribute them to you via the annual parent report at the end of the summer term. For more information, please follow the links below.
