Lunchtime Provision
Healthiness is central to well being and achievement. Lansdowne Primary is a healthy eating and no nuts school, to safeguard our pupils with nut allergies.
School Lunch
At Lansdowne we have a school canteen and the cooks work really hard to make healthy school dinners. School dinner costs £2.50 per day- this can be paid by cash or cheques should be made payable to CCC or Cardiff County Council.
Free school meals are available to families who qualify. Applications are available from Pupil Services Department at County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff Telephone 02920537250. If you are eligible, please sign up, regardless of whether your child wants to take dinners or not, as there are other benefits to signing up. APPLICATION FORMS CAN ALSO BE OBTAINED FROM THE MAIN SCHOOL OFFICE.
Some children bring sandwiches to school instead. You can also opt to have dinners on some days and sandwiches on others, depending on how you feel about the weekly menu, which tends to be similar each week. If you do wish to take up dinners and sandwiches, we would ask that you try to have a weekly routine, for example Monday, Wednesday, Friday sandwiches and Tuesday, Thursday dinners. This helps the children with their routine and also helps the staff know if the children are confused! It also avoids any discrepancies with dinner payments. Please ask if you need any help.
All children are supervised at lunchtime by Midday Supervisors.
Pupils must be given healthy snacks for break time from home. They are allowed to drink water whenever they need to during the day.