

Primary School

Relationships. Wellbeing. Achievement.


The governors of Lansdowne Primary are a huge support to the headteacher in making decisions that will secure the best outcomes for Lansdowne pupils and the school community. They are responsible for acting as a critical friend to the senior leadership team and are fully involved in the life and work of the school.

Key responsibilities of the governing body are:

  • Standards – ensuring the school promotes high standards of educational achievement, and attendance and behaviour, including the rigorous review of published performance data.
  • Targets – setting targets by which progress for pupil achievement and outcomes can be measured
  • Curriculum – ensuring that all learners have access to a broad and balance curriculum, and that statutory requirements are met.
  • Determining the aims, policies and priorities of the school – in discussions on the School improvement plan, School Self Evaluation; renewal and approval of statutory policies and documents.
  • Finance – determining and monitoring the school’s budget.
  • Deciding the number of staff, the pay policy and making decisions on staff pay, staff appointments.
  • Providing parents with information regarding the school – e.g., via annual report to parents and statutorily required meetings with parents.
  • Inspection preparation and follow up – including producing an action plan and monitoring progress following an inspection by Estyn.
  • The wellbeing and safeguarding of learners – including promotion of healthy eating
  • Awareness of governors’ responsibilities in equality matters and where to seek advice.
  • Evaluation of the performance of the governing body as and when required



Please find attached the list of governors for the academic year 2024-2025.

We thank them for all their hard work and support. 




