

Primary School

Relationships. Wellbeing. Achievement.

Cymraeg / Welsh

Cymraeg yn Lansdowne / Welsh in Lansdowne

Criw Cymraeg


Our Criw Cymraeg are made up of representatives of pupils from Year 4 to Year 6. It is a lunchtime club which the children volunteer to come to. We meet weekly on Wednesdays to promote Welsh and develop the Siarter Iaith across the school.


What do we do?


In Criw Cymraeg we: 

  • Promote a Welsh ethos in Lansdowne Primary School by encouraging learners to speak Welsh 

  • Implement Siarter Iaith Cymraeg Campus and gather evidence to achieve our school targets 

  • Support and run Welsh language games on the yard 

  • Help run Welsh assemblies 

  • Deliver the Brawddeg Cymraeg yr Wythnos during assemblies 

Welsh Assemblies


During Welsh assemblies, we choose both current and classic Welsh music for the children to listen when entering and leaving the hall. We enjoy learning and singing Welsh songs and listening to stories about Wales. We really enjoy playing games in assembly like ‘Beth sy yn y bocs?’ and ‘Guess the phrase’. We also use our assembly time to do weekly updates about our progress in the Siarter Iaith Cymraeg Campus. 

Siarter Iaith – Language Charter

What is the Siarter Iaith? (Welsh Language Charter)

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