Norfolk Nursery
Welcome to Norfolk Nursery's class page.
Croeso i dosbarth Meithrin.
Here you will find key information and useful activities and websites to support your child's learning at home. As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me on:
Thank you/ Diolch yn fawr, Miss Copp
Monday / Dydd Llun- Children are introduced to a new book and will explore different provision activities (inside and outside) to introduce them to the theme.
Tuesday / Dydd Mawrth - Children will visit the school library to hear a story read aloud.
Wednesday / Dydd Mercher - Children engage in a variety of provision activities and teacher led tasks related to the current week's book. We aim to take the children on a "Welly Wednesday" walk to Victoria park at least twice a half term.
Thursday / Dydd Iau - P.E day! Children need to come into school wearing appropriate clothing for physical activity. For example trainers, leggings/jogging bottoms. Please try to avoid tights and long socks on Thursdays as the children sometimes to P.E barefoot in the school hall.
Friday / Dydd Gwener - Children engage in a variety of provision activities and teacher led tasks related to the current week's book.
At Lansdowne, reading is very important to us. We read aloud to the children each day, sharing a variety of stories and taking the children to the school library to explore the books.
In addition, Nursery children are given 'book bags'. We send home a book and a 'reading log' home for you to share books with your children and for you to share any comments about how your child engaged with reading time.
Ensuring that 'reading time' is involved into your child's daily routine is so important. Once we send the book home, find a calm, quiet place for you and your child to read the book together. Read the book as many times as you like, make a comment about it on your child's reading log and return to school for us to give you a new book.
On top of this, each Nursery child will have a library card. The school library is located in the main building and is open on Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays after school. If your child attends morning Nursery and it is easier for you to go to the library when you collect at 11.25am, a member of Nursery Staff will take you and your child over to the library on a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday to take out a book. Please ask a member of staff about this on the day.
In Nursery, we collect £1 a week to buy fruit, vegetable sticks, crackers, cheese for the children's daily snack time.
You have the option to pay £1 a week, or you are able to pay for a whole term. The cost for this term (January to April) is £13. If you are unsure what your current balance is, please as a member of Nursery staff who will be able to help you.
Please ensure that all allergy and intolerance information is up to date with the office and Nursery staff. If you have concerns about your child's eating/drinking and wish to provide their own snack, please discuss with a member of staff.
Practicing different daily routines at home to give your child as much independence as possible enables them to access the different events and opportunities at school with confidence. We will always support the children when they need help, but it is really helpful to them if they can practice:
-Putting shoes and socks on.
-Putting their coat on.
-Pouring water into their own cup to drink.
-Doing up zips.
-Toileting routines such as dressing/ undressing and washing/drying hands.
Practicing the above can also play a part in developing fine motor skills.
Topmarks is useful to develop your child's maths and numeracy skills. There are a range of games on the website where you are able to select age and ability appropriate challenges for your child to explore numbers, counting and shapes.
MiniMovers! is a great website all about how to help your child's overall physical development. MiniMovers! also has an app where there are videos to explore which outline great activities that target fine and gross motor skills.
Singing and Rhyming
Singing songs and nursery rhymes with your children is great for developing their awareness of sound and their speaking and listening skills. In Nursery we will be doing a 'rhyme of the week', the rhyme of the week will be uploaded to the website each week.